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Twelve reasons babies cry and how to soothe them(Part 1)

There's no getting around it: Babies cry. It's how they communicate hunger, pain, fear, a need for sleep, and more.
So how are parents supposed to know what their baby is trying to tell them? It can be tricky to interpret your child’s cries, especially at first.
Here are the most common reasons babies cry. If your little one is wailing and you don't know why, work your way down the list. Chances are you'll find something that helps.

What to do if your baby's still crying(Part 1)

Full tummy? Check. Well rested? Check. Fever-free? Check.
So why is your baby crying? Babies have their own good reasons. But even the wisest parents can't read their babies' mind – and babies don't have the words to tell us what's wrong.
Fortunately, you can offer comfort without knowing the cause of distress.

Introducing solid food to babies...
AGE/STAGE: Babies 4-6 Months
The AAP recommends that an infant not be started on solid foods until after 6 months of age.  Many pediatricians still start babies on solids around 4 months of age.  This chart accommodates all ages and stages up to 12 months.

Rice and Oatmeal cereals are the least of the allergenic grains and thus most babies are started out with those cereals.  You don't HAVE to start with cereal - try avocado instead or banana.

May be served raw after 8 months old – bananas and avocados do NOT need to be cooked ever

Always serve cooked until after 12 months old or when baby can chew well enough so that no choking hazard is present. 

Always serve cooked with no pink areas – NEVER give a small baby/child raw meat or fish

NEVER replace breast milk or formula until after 12 months of age – serious health risks are possible. 
Never give a child under the age of 2yrs old low fat or skim milk products; whole milk is necessary.

Bamboo fabric is a natural textile made from the pulp of the bamboo grass. Bamboo fabric has been growing in popularity because it has many unique properties and is more sustainable than most textile fibers. Bamboo fabric is light and strong, has excellent wicking properties, and is to some extent antibacterial. The use of bamboo fiber for clothing was a 20th century development, pioneered by several Chinese corporations.

Bamboo fiber resembles cotton in its unspun form, a puffball of light, airy fibers. Many companies use extensive bleaching processes to turn bamboo fiber white, although companies producing organic bamboo fabric leave the bamboo fiber unbleached. To make bamboo fiber, bamboo is heavily pulped until it separates into thin component threads of fiber, which can be spun and dyed for weaving into cloth.

Bamboo fabric is very soft and can be worn directly next to the skin. Many people who experience allergic reactions to other natural fibers, such as wool or hemp, do not complain of this issue with bamboo. The fiber is naturally smooth and round without chemical treatment, meaning that there are no sharp spurs to irritate the skin.

Bamboo fabric is favored by companies trying to use sustainable textiles, because the bamboo plant is very quick growing and does not usually require the use of pesticides and herbicides to thrive. As a result, plantations can easily be kept organic and replanted yearly to replenish stocks. The process of making unbleached bamboo fiber is very light on chemicals that could potentially harm the environment.

In textile form, bamboo retains many of the properties it has as a plant. Bamboo is highly water absorbent, able to take up three times its weight in water. In bamboo fabric, this translates to an excellent wicking ability that will pull moisture away from the skin so that it can evaporate. For this reason, clothing made of bamboo fiber is often worn next to the skin.

